Monday, December 3, 2012

BRICS straining to leave clasp of Federal Reserve system

I'm getting to ready to flush out one more blog post, which had been sitting in my drafts beginning around March 2012. The sources of this material appeared sporadically over the period from March to May of 2012. My original ambitious goal was to weave all of these together to present a single strong narrative about the shaky status of US Dollar reserve currency status.

Since now it is obvious that I will NOT have as much bandwidth as initially hoped to expound upon these sources, I've decided to flush out the post primarily as a collection of links themselves. Even though all of the sources date from Spring of 2012, every single point from these sources is just as valid as when it was published. In fact, even more so. Presented as a collection in this post, this material speaks for itself very strongly.

BRICS development bank one step closer
The BRICS grouping of influential emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - have taken another step towards establishing a development bank that could one day rival the World Bank.
Dallas Federal Reserve: US Taxpayers will be on the hook for more big commercial bank bailouts
Taxpayers will be on the hook for another giant Wall Street bailout, and the economy won’t be mended, unless the nation’s biggest banks are broken up. This is the conclusion of the Dallas Federal Reserve, one of the most conservative of the Fed’s regional banks.
Federal Reserve buying 61 per cent of US debt
The Federal Reserve is propping up the entire U.S. economy by buying 61 percent of the government debt issued by the Treasury Department, a trend that cannot last, Lawrence Goodman, a former Treasury official and current president of the Center for Financial Stability, writes in a Wall Street Journal opinion article. Goodman also warns that U.S. economy and markets are “at risk for a sharp correction” if conditions aren’t “normalized.”
BRICS summit in India does not trust US Dollar strength for reserve currency

BRICS summit in India issues MAJOR warning to US Dollar reserve currency status

Peter Schiff sounds off on the demise of US Dollar

Above 3 are all video links along the same lines, essentially summarized as the title of this blogpost: "BRICS straining to leave clasp of Federal Reserve system".

Ben Bernanke to US Congress: We're Much Closer to Total Destruction Than You Think

This source is rather "hilarious". How is that for a lesson in "Hypocrisy 101", "Mr. Engineer of taxpayer funded bailout of commercial banks", sounding off on perils facing ahead!?!
Warning that our nation's fiscal health has deteriorated appreciably since the onset of the financial crisis and the recession, Bernanke called upon lawmakers to confront the long term fiscal challenges sooner rather than later. If lawmakers don't confront them, they'll find themselves confronted by them.
Egan-Jones Cuts U.S. Rating One Step to AA Citing Growing Debt
Egan-Jones Ratings Co. cut the U.S. credit rating one step to AA, the second downgrade in nine months and two levels below its highest grade, with a negative outlook citing the nation’s increasing debt burden. U.S. debt has increased to 100 percent of gross domestic product, while debt climbed 23.6 percent from 2008 to 2010, the credit-rating firm said in a statement today. Egan-Jones lowered the U.S. grade to AA+ in July. The downgrade was based on “the increasing debt load coupled with the fact that there has been no tangible progress in addressing the country’s growing debt to GDP” ratio, Sean Egan, president of Egan-Jones in Haverford, Pennsylvania, said today in a telephone interview. “Unfortunately, the debt is growing fairly rapidly while the GDP is not.”
The Best Reason in the World to Buy Gold
Beijing is planning to avoid U.S. financial sanctions on Iran by paying for oil with gold. China’s imports of the metal are already large, and you can guess what additional purchases are going to do to prices. As Iran is being cut off from the global financial system, the next best thing for them to accept is gold. The Iranian central bank said it would accept that metal as payment for oil. Last year, China imported $21.7 billion in Iranian oil and exported $14.8 billion in goods and services. Look for Beijing to ship gold to Iran to make up the difference.
China to start direct currency trading with Japan
China and Japan have agreed to start direct trading of their currencies from Friday as Beijing moves toward making the yuan more of a global currency. Until now, China has only allowed direct trading between the yuan and the U.S. dollar, under tight limits that have been loosened only gradually.
Rockefeller and Rothschild Dynasties Join Forces

And last but not the least: As if the current state of globally connected Central Banking hegemony is not sufficient, an even more frightening prospect of increasing totalitarian state of global economic/political conditions. Keep this point in mind as we envision more US taxpayer funded bailouts of commercial banks, and as yet unresolved (and deteriorated) economic conditions in Europe.

What do notions of national sovereignty even mean, if the boundary lines of major Central Banking houses become even more blurred than they already are? This point is over and above any bailouts for nations like Greece, diluting retirement savings of German citizens under an umbrella of "European Central Bank".
Two of the world’s best-known banking families are combining forces after RIT Capital Partners, the investment trust led by Jacob Rothschild, said on Wednesday that it was buying a minority stake in the investment and wealth management firm Rockefeller Financial Services.