Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fiat Money = House of Smoke and Mirrors

To whoever happens to be reading my blog post musings: Due to being insanely busy since last March, I have had absolutely no bandwidth for new activity/new posts on this blog.

In the intervening period, we were subjected to the charade of a Presidential election between two empty-suit candidates of two empty "major" political parties, that does not amount to a hill of beans. But for anyone who is keeping track of that "man behind the curtain", regardless of how much the Wizard shouts "Pay no attention to him", this was to be expected anyway. Hardly a surprise. I mean, when was the last "real" US Presidential election between "real" major candidates? As opposed to two empty-suit puppets of central bankers? When was that last US Presidential election which actually dealt with substantive topics like philosophy of monetary policy, Constitutional governance, role of Federal and State governments, philosophies of various -isms such as free market capitalism, crony capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, corporatism, corporate fascism and on and on? All of this, as opposed to the status quo of obscenely fake media circus a numb society has resigned to expect and accept? At least from my personal memory, it was a very long time ago that there has been such substantive Presidential election in the US. Couple of elections in which Ronald Reagan was involved, as well as the brief interludes of one Ross Perot come marginally close. However, hardly such. Those keeping tabs very well remember all the US taxpayer subsidized messing around in Central America and support of various ruthless fascist dictatorships around the world during the times of that "Constitutionally Conservative" Reagan. Can anyone say Grenada? As for Ross Perot, that man hardly ever mentioned interlinking of Federal Reserve central banking system with taxation, and its close interlinking with foreign policy, impact on free market trading, employment, currency wars, and last but not the least...How do all of these issues really relate to the US Constitution? It's quite possible he himself had no personal convictions of his own to be mentioning such topics in the first place.

Anyway, that was a long digression about the fake circus of elections. Less said about it, the better.

Coming back to the point of lack of my bandwidth. It hardly means there has been a break in my own personal musings however. As a matter of fact, I have skeletons of a number of "new" blog posts listed below, sitting in draft form in my blog with time-stamps ranging from March to June 2012. Roughly once a month, I happen to randomly and hopelessly glance at these skeletons...Wondering if I will ever get any chance to dress them with flesh and muscles? And the realistic answer is, most probably not! Couple of posts concerning topics of time-sensitive nature may even lose their relevance, by the time I find that ever-elusive bandwidth. Sigh, whatever.

As for the non-time-sensitive topics: If someone else reading this has more bandwidth and wants to take mantle of fleshing them out, please be my guest! Please have the courtesy of dropping me a comment cross-referencing your material OR refer from your material to my blog however, should you take such action.
  • Myth of low interest rate Refinancing flurry
  • Federal Reserve Currency Generation flowchart
  • 21st Century Schizoid Man
  • Great Chinese inflation and American Silver crisis
  • Were Abraham Lincoln's Civil War era Central Bank backed Greenbacks really a DEBT-FREE Fiat Currency?
  • One person's "Liberal" is another person's "Conservative". Who's keeping track?
So what's the point of this meta-blog post rambling about my inability to add more blog posts? Well actually, I happened to come across following headline which got more than a sarcastic chuckle out of me. It brought the urge in me to come to this blog and actually add this post, breaking the doldrums of inactivity. This happens to be exactly identical topic as the first bullet point in my skeleton list above, which I created back in March! Since I may never finish that post, I'm going to indirectly finish it with this one with a cryptic update. I just don't have the bandwidth to write long-winded explanations justifying the cryptic points. I hope the least my cryptic posts could achieve is to get the reader start brainstorming on such issues and kick-start their own research.

As I'm typing this wondering aloud, I might get more in the habit of adding such cryptic posts in the near future. That just might be one way of defeating the "lack of bandwidth" problem.

Mortgage rates drop to record lows

Fiat money = House of smoke and mirrors
All await failure of commercial banks and requests for taxpayer funded bailouts of criminal banksters when the true high value of interest rates hits the fan.
QE-Infinity, here we come....To the doom of Infinity and Beyond!!! Get your paper currency printers all fine-tuned.


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