Friday, January 18, 2013

Goldman "Federal Bailout" Sachs wants to PUSH DOWN gold prices

OK, so today we have the Goldman "Federal US Taxpayer Funded Bailout" Sachs among a headline that caught the eye.

The same Goldman Sachs whose ex-CEO Hank Paulson was Treasury Secretary when that bailout was engineered?!? Yes, that one.

The same Goldman Sachs leading in campaign contributions for the Obamney-Rombama duopoly-monopoly political circus?!?! Yes, yes. The same one.

So in this headline, the same Goldman Sachs cries out for worldwide gold prices to plummet.

Goldman sees gold falling $500 an ounce as rally loses its shine

Because the US debt is skyrocketing, each year charade of raising debt ceiling keeps pushing it to infinity and beyond? Because borrowing US Treasuries has lesser and lesser credibility each passing day? Because the viability of Euro hangs in the balance with turmoils in countries like Spain kept suppressed with government repression? Because Japan has no signs of recovery yet out of its prolonged doldrums? Because a central bank like Bundesbank is getting nervous about credibility of US Federal Government and Eurozone to keep their fiat currencies propped up? Specifically because Bundesbank is getting desperate to repatriate large chunk of their gold?

There couldn't possibly be any ulterior motive for why Goldman Sachs would get on the rooftop and cry such a warning, could it? It must be a parallel universe that against the backdrop of realities stated above, Goldman Sachs needs to make such a sharp warning.

I'll leave you with the resource for GATA (Gold Anti-trust Action Committee) to investigate. Specifically, in order to keep the hollow empire of fiat currencies afloat, GATA alleges a well-coordinated plot by powerful international banking conglomerates to keep gold prices artificially low. Google GATA for more information. Here is the starter link:

Gold Anti-Trust Committee

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