Sunday, October 20, 2013

JPMorgan Chase in Record Corruption Settlement, No Criminal Prosecution yet!

When it rains, it pours! After last week's post highlighting alarming capital control measures by JPMorgan Chase, here comes yet another "bombshell" announcement regarding them over the weekend:

JPMorgan Chase in Record $13 Billion U.S. Settlement for High Level Corruption
JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s record $13 billion deal to end U.S. probes of its mortgage-bond sales would free the nation’s largest bank from mounting civil disputes with the government while leaving a criminal inquiry unresolved.
Is the timing of these 2 seemingly unrelated events co-incidental? Or is there some convoluted twisted sub-plot underneath the surface? Meaning, did the Feds impose capital control requirements on JPMorgan Chase as part of this settlement? Things that make you say, hmm.

One bank analyst Nancy Bush whining about JPMorgan not getting “waiver from criminal prosecution" in that article smacks nothing short of highway robbery. There has yet to be a single concrete criminal prosecution of a high level bankster over events of 5 years ago. There has yet to be a single high level bankster thrown into hard-labor prison. The banks themselves are being subjected to record settlement - which actually taking fractional-reserve (see paragraph below) and anticipated interest rate hikes into account is not a huge deal at all. Yet, individual criminal high level bankster executives are walking free or lazing around on yachts. Only smoke-and-mirrors "potential criminal liability" sometime in the future is being dangled to American taxpayers. Sometime in the future, are you kidding me? It's coming up to end of 2013 already, when is that "potential in the future" day going to dawn? Rhetorical question that, no need for an answer.

Talking about fractional-reserve dilution point mentioned above: Shed no tears over the "record $13 billion fine" for one of the biggest recepients (in trillions!) of fractional-reserve scam. With combination of fiat monetary policy and fractional reserve banking, these are mere virtual digits created out of thin air. The real issue is concrete criminal prosecution of criminal executives engaged in these worst corrupt frauds known to mankind. Without any movements on that front, these "bombshell" announcements amount to nothing but diluted tears in a tea cup.

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