Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet and Earnings: Primer & Projections
From page 5 of this report:
In the baseline projection, we assume no MBS sales, consistent with the Chairman’s comments in his June 2013 press conference. The size of the SOMA portfolio will normalize by August 2020. Despite the normalization of the size of the portfolio, the composition of the portfolio will still reflect the nontraditional policy choices; at the end of our projection period in 2025, over $400 billion of MBS will remain on the Federal Reserve’s books. Annual remittances to the Treasury are projected to remain sizable over the near term and cumulate from 2009 - 2025 to about $910 billion. Overall, this scenario suggests that large-scale asset purchases will have a net positive effect on income relative to a scenario with no purchases, but the Federal Reserve will continue to hold MBS for some time.Translated in layman terms: It could be until August 2020 for the worthless dollars being printed at an alarming rate by Fed through QE to be flushed out of the system! And this is termed as a "baseline" scenario with no huge interest rate hikes - which are in fact expected as an open secret to be around the corner to prevent threat of hyperinflation! MBS in that paragraph refers to "mortgage backed securities" which Fed has been buying at an alarming rate through its QE fraud, because it can't find any backers (like China) to buy this debt-ridden junk anymore. Fed has become the "buyer of last resort" for these debt-ridden bonds, because there are no other takers of the "pie in the sky" promises of future American debt being repaid. It can take until staggering 2020 for evaporating such crushing debt, and that's just considered a "baseline" (to be read as: not realistic) scenario!
But it gets even worse. Looking at "Remittances to Treasury" graph on page 30 of this report, and following reference to it on page 21:
The income projection, as shown in Figure 5, does change, however. The higher federal funds rate implies greater interest expense. Once combined with noninterest income and expenses, remittances to the Treasury fall to zero for a few years and a deferred asset is booked for 2017 through 2019.Translated in layman terms: Under these high-interest rate realistic situations, there could be number of years when the Fed doesn't pay a single penny to US Treasury, and it could be until 2019 that the Fed's balance sheet stabilizes to what's deemed "normal"! No, "normal" here by no means refers to evaporation of all debt through QE. It just means, being able to get back to today's debt-ridden condition. What is deemed "normal" for these cronies is considered "abnormal" for population of ordinary serfs, because of them having the exalted status and all.
Obviously, this begs the question about why do American people need this meddling private central bank in the first place, obfuscating and fudging interest rates and creating nefarious buffer between themselves and US Treasury? The answer is simple. If it weren't for these cronies and their debt ridden tricks of creating more and more worthless money out of thin air, it would be impossible to finance perpetual war machine, and it would be impossible to keep kicking can of debt down the road onto future bankrupted generations.
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