Sunday, November 20, 2011



As United States finds itself faced with unprecedented $15 trillion in debt, along with a number of other difficulties, I felt motivated to start this new blog to chatter about various issues. Prospects of its currency debasement - irrespective of its somewhat arbitrary status as the "world's reserve currency", or perhaps because of it - are very grave and real. Since I've spent most of my life in the US and am most familiar with it, I'll mostly focus on matters here.

Obviously, I'm not the first one blogging such discussion, nor will I be the last one. There is a plethora of armchair economic "experts" around these days. I personally don't even have any previlege of being an "insider", and quite honestly think of it as a plus. All I'm hoping to do is create an aggregation of various topics I've been brainstorming about from my perspective; that's all.

Over coming days, I'll start adding blog posts about various issues listed in laundary list below with some regularity - although not necessarily in the same order. Of course, should any critical events occur in the future warranting immediate discussion, they'll get first precedence.

  • What exactly is a "Fiat currency"?
  • Structure of generic central banking
  • What exactly is a "Hard currency"?
  • Federal Reserve act of 1913 - Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
  • Role of Reichsbank in warmongering during Nazi Germany era
  • Bretton Woods system in depth
  • JFK's 1963 Executive Order to curtail powers of Federal Reserve
  • Richard Nixon's Shock of 1971 - Legacy of futility in Vietnam
  • Afghanistan - A serial graveyard of world's biggest empires?
  • From Meiji Restoration to postwar to perpetual recession - Bank of Japan
  • Illusion created by low interest rates and flurry of refinancing
  • Federal Student Loan program - next scam bubble to burst?
  • Revisiting dismemberment of Glass-Steagall act
  • Foreign policy can never be considered in isolation from domestic policies
  • European Central Bank and a "doomed from start" experiment of Euro
  • Recent hyper-inflation case studies: Argentina and Zimbabwe
  • Alan Greenspan to Ben Bernanke to Paul Krugman - These are our economic geniuses?
  • Was Abraham Lincoln really able to create Central Bank backed DEBT-FREE fiat currency (Greenback) during Civil War?
  • Modern Iran quagmire can't be understood without knowing details of Operation Ajax and Abadan Crisis
  • Capitalism versus Crony Capitalism - We have yet to experience true capitalism
  • Exposing the Keynesian myth from FDR's New Deal to Lyndon Johnson's Great Society to today
  • China's quest for resources and clamor about Fixed exchange rate of Chinese Renminbi
  • Is it a given for the world to have only a single "Reserve Currency"?
  • Farce of raising US debt ceiling, somehow so-called as a "routine" process
  • Campaign finance hijacking of US democratic process - Is this a popularity contest?
  • Federal Reserve Currency Generation flowchart
  • Great Chinese inflation and American Silver crisis
  • One person's "Liberal" is another person's "Conservative". Who's keeping track?

All these are listed just off the top of my head, I'm sure I'm forgetting some more. Anyhow, looking forward to more blogging in near future.

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