Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quick "placeholder" collection of thoughts

I was hoping to get cranked up over month of December 2011, expanding on individual points in first post. However, unfortunately I've gotten crazily swamped and couldn't find as much time as I hoped.

In the interest of time, I wanted to put together a bunch of thoughts I've gathered over this period as a "placeholder" post. In fact, I wrote these commenting on someone else's blog elsewhere and copy-pasting here so I don't lose the train of thought. Hopefully will find more time in January 2012 to expand on this.


A claim is made that US Constitution is unworkable in modern world. This claim is indeed true. But the only reason for that is: GLOBALLY interconnected Central Banks e.g. Federal Reserve interlinked with European Central Bank, Bank of Japan etc. Through global systems such as IMF, it has created a banking hegemony spanning international boundaries with potential control of resources. Due to such hegemony, individual nation's constitutions and in American context dreams of Thomas Jefferson/James Madison/Ben Franklin mean NOTHING. If the GLOBAL hegemony is broken, US could have hope of turning to a true free market and true capitalism. US could do honest trading with other nations, focus on internal employment, and American governments (Federal/states/local) could address law/order situation better.

What we have in USA right now is crony capitalism and crony market. US currency is dishonest due to dishonest central banking. Trade with China is lopsided due to dishonest currency, and due to it the unemployment situation is serious. Costs for healthcare, higher education are dishonest. Trading for energy resources is done using dishonest currency OR rigged by fighting unconstitutional wars benefiting central bankers. Food and agriculture system has been corrupted. Immigration system is corrupt. All mainstream media in USA - TV/Radio/Newspapers/Magazines have turned into propaganda pieces of central banking system, because they're all owned by bankers. For foreign policy, they all spout propaganda lies. Furthermore, they have started relying on pool of questionable immigrants for military to fight questionable wars. Federal taxation is dishonest - literally out of control to meet demands of dishonest wars AND/OR dishonest lobbies built up at Federal level of government. Democracy process and elections are a charade, because they're heavily influenced/rigged by same corrupt media. They create illusion of left/right liberal/conservative red/blue 2 party system, but it's just smoke-and-mirrors. 2 major parties Democrat/Republican are virtually identical when it fundamentally comes to dishonest monetary policy and dishonest foreign policy. None of the candidates dare challenge corrupt central banking, else they would get shut out by bank-owned media during elections. The whole thing is a deck of cards, a shambolic mess. American Central Bank (Federal Reserve) is THE BIGGEST threat to stability of American society.

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