Thursday, March 22, 2012

Woodrow Wilson "re-incarnated Clone" threatens India with sanctions over Iran Cold War?!

It has been my policy to stay out of clearly "political/partisan" rants on this blog on principle. But I have to make an exception today. It's very difficult to completely hide from it when matters reach this level/magnitude, so here goes.

In response to my last blog post (Iran coldwar affront to dubiously hallowed territory of US Dollar "World Reserve Currency" status) : Someone sent me a private message about a headline from exactly 1 week ago. It had somehow gone underneath my radar, but it is extremely relevant and I'm going to vent very strongly.

U.S. May Sanction India Over Level of Iran Oil Imports
India has failed to reduce its purchases of Iranian oil, and if it doesn’t do so, President Barack Obama may be forced to impose sanctions on one of Asia's most important nations, Obama administration officials said yesterday.

If India fails to cut Iranian imports sufficiently, Obama may be compelled to bar access to the U.S. banking system for any Indian bank processing oil payments through Iran’s central bank, the U.S. officials said.
Continuation from yesterday:

Hillary Clinton Names Iran Sanctions Waiver Recipients
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced Tuesday 11 countries that have received waivers from tough sanctions on Iran.

The nations – Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the U.K.– reduced their oil purchases from Iran significantly enough that financial institutions based there won’t be frozen out of the U.S., as per legislation signed into law Dec. 31.
So, here we have an administration of the re-incarnated Woodrow Wilson "Ivy Leaguer clone". He happens to be nothing but a spokesperson puppet for Federal Reserve and private banking industry, a stark facade just like several presidents before him. His administration is threatening other nations like India in matters of free-trade with some other nations. Surely, sovereign nations like China and Russia are implicitly lumped in that list with India as well. As maintained earlier, such restrictions would raise oil prices worldwide. It would cause untold hardships to too many people all over the planet, not just people in India, Iran or USA.

On what authority are these "holier than thou" threats being made? By becoming arbitrary policemen of the world? Quite certainly, they're not under guidelines of US Constitution. There is no clause in the US Constitution which dictates anything about what trade India or China can have with Iran, and vice versa. As a matter of fact, our founders worked diligently to produce a minimal yet complete Constitution that was clear in foreign policy matters. John Quincy Adams (who was technically not a founder, but son of a founder - yet later, a statesman in his own right nonetheless) helped influence the "No Entangling Alliances" part of foreign policy. It ended up being incorporated in George Washington's famous "Farewell Address". Nor are the threats being made under guidelines of Constitution of India or Constitution of Iran.

Some 220+ years later, we have administrations commiting egregious sins such as:
  • "Weapons of Mass Destruction" lies to launch unconstitutional war on a nation that had not attacked us.
  • "Banks Too Big to Fail" lies for unconstitutional taxpayer funded bailouts of private banks which deserved to collapse under free market principles.
  • Continuing a nebulous occupation in Afghanistan with serial heavy blunders in terms of human life and material costs - least of which is burning taxpayer money during bad economic times and mounting debt back home - that nobody has any clarity on its exact objective anymore.
Given that there are serious moral failings of such high magnitude with itself, it should be imperative for US administration to work on improving upon them; to rein in within its own rule of law - the US Constitution. Instead, we see an uncomfortable situation of an administration lacking moral fiber giving hypocritical sermon from a bully pulpit to the rest of the planet.

And heaven knows, not all matters are nice and clean in India either. But this rant is not about that at all. Rampant corruption at high and low rungs of society, corrupt and crony corporate welfare of big magnitudes, an anti-corruption revolutionary movement under Anna Hazare's leadership - these are all well documented facts. But these are internal matters for the Indian population and Indian government to deal with. The premise of my rant here is Indian government looking out for interests of its population, their energy needs and doing free-market trade with Iran for those exact purposes. Iran has not threatened India in any manner, nor has India threatened Iran in any manner. They are both perfectly justified in seeking mutual trade and minding their business. Being threatened with "sanctions" by a third nation over such trade matters invoking a questionable "International Law" reeks of hypocrisy.

Woodrow Wilson administration was involved in a mess of identical nature. Exactly 100 years ago, US Presidential Election of 1912 was one of the most rigged elections in history till that date. Efforts for formation of a central banking authority [much maligned Senator Aldritch bill] had bitterly failed during earlier Taft administration. The private banking cartel would not give up and tenaciously located "Woodrow Wilson"  - a polished Ivy League professor - as a puppet for their objectives. An already retired Teddy Roosevelt installed a questionable new socialist party called "Bull Moose Progressive Party" and bizarrely jumped into the election campaign - while there already was another socialist candidate representing the Communist Party! As later events would prove, Teddy Roosevelt was funded by the banking lobby to divide up votes and take revenge on reelection efforts of incumbent Taft. The banking cartel was extremely motivated come hell or high water to achieve their objective of defeating Taft, and installing Woodrow Wilson as their puppet. They certainly did not waste any time, giving birth to the infamous Federal Reserve during Wilson's first term. Ever since then, for close to 100 years the Fed has been responsible for engineering boom and bust cycles, triggering recessions and a depression, funding perpetual belt of welfare/warfare, and helping install international hegemonies of World Bank, IMF, United Nations etc.

Under the guise of "avoiding involvement in WWI international conflict", Wilson was reelected in 1916. Following are well-known legacies from his second term, which are all water under the bridge.
  • American involvement in WWI.
  • Creation of "League of Nations" as the inaugural bully pulpit, giving Woodrow Wilson and United States a license for enforcing "international law".
  • The disastrous Treaty of Versailles, which in fact ended up becoming a catalyst for WWII! The entire package of "Fourteen Points" of "progressive neo-liberal neo-conservative Idealism" hogwash. This essentially has been the gospel of downstream US interventionist foreign policy, illustrated by disasters such as Vietnam War, Iraq wars etc.
  • King-Crane commission as response to uniateral Sykes-Picot (British/French) agreement. The proposal of that commission was American occupation of Middle-East, which didn't end up being implemented. To this day, the volatality in Middle East remains unresolved. One could argue that perpetually alive volatality benefits Military Industrial Complexes.
The WWI participation would not have been possible without existence of Federal Reserve and its global interlinking with other central banks such as Bank of England. It is also not a coincidence that enforcement of US Constitution progressively became an afterthought and hinderance during Federal Reserve's existence as years went by.

Roughly 100 years later, the US Constitution has been undermined to such a degree that it has been reduced to a worthless piece of document. Again, we have a president with Ivy League polished connections as a puppet mouthpiece for private banking cartel. During his first term, the Woodrow Wilson clone has also helped private banking industry with their goals come hell or high water - unconstitutional bailouts after criminal behavior during prior president's term. The administration has also shown open contempt for free-market principles and fundamentals of capitalism in many different ways during this term. Also notice international conflicts being on the forefront during this Woodrow Wilson clone's reelection efforts, just like Woodrow Wilson of 100 years ago. And throw in the bully pulpit of international law, sticking nose in other nations' business about their affairs, disregard for US Constitution, and voila! We have a disastrous recipe for repeat of unfortunate global events from roughly 100 years ago. You couldn't make this stuff up, if you sat in a laboratory and strived to replicate it. It's almost as if the script is being followed to the last detail, even after 100 years.

The big difference this time around is, US has a crushing debt owed to China. It's almost coming upto "emperor has no clothes" scenario. India, China and Russia - all of whom have interests of doing trade with Iran - have possessions of nukes. As a matter of fact, throw in India's bitter rival in other matters from the neighborhood, Pakistan - and they have nukes too. Pakistan have had their own issues to deal with, with disenfranchisement of their population, corrupt/dictatorial regimes being kept alive with unconstitutional US aid and all sorts of chaotic mess of extreme complexity.  When it comes to dealing with Iran related sanctions however, I can't see why China, India, Russia and Pakistan (all 4 nations with nukes) cannot form a coalition. All of them should be able to trade with Iran on their respective terms, according to the needs of their populations if they want to. A coalition of such magnitude could put brakes on escalation of international conflict and avoid repeat of unfortunate horror from 100 years ago.


  1. It's clear teachings of basic economics / history / political science have been hijacked, and manipulated. Discussion of history has always been biased, whether in school textbooks or media to suit canned goals. Why do you think everyone on US TV channels keeps talking about Ayatollahs, but nobody knows about Mohammad Mossadeq? Economic theories of Keynes are taught like Gospel in business schools, as if there is no other alternative.
  2. James Madison, one of the founders & the key architect of US Constitution left us with a warning. According to him, the Constitution was merely a working document. That piece of paper wouldn't magically guard the nation against being hijacked and undermined. It's upto the people to adhere to it & demand accountability at all times. If majority of people choose to live in a zombified stupor, democracy is a dangerous proposition. I would rather NOT have a clueless zombie vote & influence decisions against those who're paying attention & demanding accountability. This is EXACTLY the danger of "populous democracy" which Madison warned us against. (As an aside, Andrew Jackson was the architect behind the curse of this "full participation democracy".) If mass populations can be brainwashed (using modern media like instruments of the devil), a purely populous democracy is DANGEROUS compared to the "Constitutional Republic" which the founders had in mind.

The mechanisms of checks & balances are still all there in the Constitution. Founding fathers didn't miss on them. And luckily we still have our Constitution. It hasn't yet been abolished like Stalin/Mussolini/Hitler/Zia-ul-Huq/or what Indira Gandhi was trying to do during Emergency Rule. We just have to FOLLOW our Constitution. We have strayed far away from the Constitution since 100 years ago. Especially last 20 to 40 years have been the most pronounced aberrations.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed it sounds like history trying to repeat not by itself - rather being engineered with a conniving precision by central banks of planet.

    Very pertinent observation and analysis in light
    of how US common man middle and lower classes
    are affected as are peoples of most other countries.

    It is the function of educational institutes to
    be the centers of guiding lights to convey truth
    and right thought foundation for any subject
    matter analysis be it politics, finance,
    history, just like Math and Science always do.
    However what we are see is total chaos due to
    constant infliction of conflicts of interests
    and using the wizardry of cunning scholars to
    the ends of power hungry central bank entities.

    This is definitely a serious concern and urgent
    one; the coalition as suggested in the blog may
    help if its intent is to rebuild a lost sense of
    trust and relationship balance among all nations
    for the sake of all humanity. Therein lies the
    problem because there is no government today
    I know that is actually working in the fullest
    interest of its people. Then there is the most
    unfortunate enmities among these very Asiatic nations who are supposed to be truly friends
    and so be concerned about mutual growth, peace
    and security. Since that is not the foundation,
    it is very hard to architect the said coalition
    which in all earnest can put a stop to the
    threats by unconstitutional manipulative powers
    of this western hemisphere. Education therefore
    must be awakened among the people in Asia. This
    was and is the job of political evangelists in
    those respective countries to educate its
    governments and masses to form internal and
    external policies for energy, trade and security
    alliances. If these countries get their houses
    in order there will be no possibility for any
    power to manipulate the region endlessly. The
    only other solution is if the bullying countries
    of the West on their own give up being bullies.
    This is in the hands of only the people of those
    Western countries on whom to elect. Once elected
    there must be internal check and balance so that
    no private or public or government entities
    internal or external can mock at the principles
    and values laid down by founding fathers. If the
    political elect government does not stick to
    constitution then automatic accountability
    mechanisms should defeat these elect officials.
    Presently where is such a mechanism? I think it
    is not there. Did the founding fathers miss to put in those mechanisms hundreds of years ago?
    Or is it futile to believe in such measures
    to automatically carry on diligent public
    service without mischief? Right education is
    the only way this human race can truly go on...
