Thursday, April 25, 2013

Federal Reserve desperation resorts to Comic Book propaganda format

From the "Unsure whether to be bemused or bewildered" department:

I was pointed to a new discovery by someone, which I had been completely unaware of till now. The Federal Reserve is engaged in a highly aggressive, highly dumbed down campaign of propaganda dissemination in comic book format about their fractious/dubious charter! I kid you not, it is for real provided at the following link from New York Fed. Generally, it is considered a sign of PR desperation when any elusive entity has to resort to comic book format to justify their existence.

Federal Reserve dumbed down comic book format propaganda

With the fear that such comic books may be taken down sometime in the future, I'm taking liberty of screen capturing some select pages from this abomination and attaching screenshots here.

What is next in the propaganda brainwashing campaign? Rewriting all high school economics textbooks on monetary policy, such that the lie "Central Bank backed fiat monetary policy is THE ONLY VALID monetary policy" gets stamped onto brains of high school students? Wait, that has already been taken care of.

What worse level will the Fed stoop to next? Indoctrination campaign for minds of pre-school aged children, such that they become lemmings on a conveyor belt even before any critical thinking sets in? How about these for inclusion in pre-school propaganda curriculum, along with teaching alphabets, numbers, colors, animal names and the rest?
  • Worship paper currency
  • Worship digital debts created out of thin air, especially the ones for which interest will be mathematically unpayable; basically worship a perpetual usury culture
  • Worship spending of all forms, with no consideration for future consequences
  • Worship fractional reserve banking
  • Disregard planning for physical resources
That's right, get the brains of those children enslaved as early as possible. No enslavement is more powerful than enslavement of the mind.

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