Tuesday, January 24, 2012

India to make oil payments to Iran in Gold - Not in American Dollar or Euro

Whoa, so this is a headline of huge significance to the subject matter of this blog. How about that, among all the global economic uneasiness coupled with invented Iran conflict tensions: Indian government dropped a bombshell!!

India to pay for Iran's oil in gold

Not only will they not participate in some bogus embargo/sanctions towards Iran, they WILL continue importing oil from Iran. Furthermore, they will trade with Iran using one of the oldest "hard" currency in the world, gold! Not in a fiat-currency of Euro, which has been on life support; not in the Indian Rupee which is also a fiat currency; and definitely not in the so-called "world's reserve FIAT currency" American Dollar.

As mentioned in earlier post, very big economies such as India, China, Japan and Germany are dependent on importing oil from Iran. Among them, Germany and Japan are two countries whose national defence still continues to be subsidized by the US. Yes, quite literally American taxpayers subsidize their defence even after 60+ years of end to WWII AND 20 years of end to Cold War. India and China are under no such obligations. With a national debt approaching (or maybe has already exceeded by now??) $16 trillion, growing uneasiness in society due to unemeployment and plethora of other issues; last thing in the world US currency can afford is taking on a needless military conflict.

Now, don't get me wrong. Like most major economies in the world, India also happens to be a country whose currency (Indian Rupee) is governed by a central banking system - The Reserve Bank of India. And like most major economies, this currency is fiat too - that is, it's not backed by any physical/natural resource. There is no telling, if sometime in the future even the Indian government/society engages in risky behavior of too much spending, out-of-control debt, too much needless warfare - even Indian currency could face grave prospects. This is nothing new, there are countless historical case-studies for this. I mean, I'm not talking rocket science here. It's something backed by basic common-sense arithmetic. Any empire that stretches way beyond its means and takes on unsustainable debt faces bankruptcy. Prosperity and welfare (howsoever well-intnetioned) cannot be magically created out of thin air by printing more and more paper currency backed by nothing. Napolean's French empire went bankrupt by over-ambitious warfare. Romans, Ottomans, British, Soviet and more empires stretched way beyond their means in warfare and crumbled. There doesn't seem to be a monopoly on greed and stupidity in any specific society. Who is to say the Indian banking system will never take on a self-destructive approach sometime in the future?

But in the most recent past and the present, this event is very significant. Due to the prolonged Japanese recession and serious economic turmoil in both Europe and USA, Reserve Bank of India had the foresight to load up on their gold reserves. Even though Indian Rupee itself may not be backed by any gold reserves, taking the wise move of loading up on gold has given India potential of surviving serious global economic turbulence. At the same time, it is extremely concerning for American Dollar's prospect of debasement. If other major economies like China start doing the same, it would be catastrophic for American Dollar. The status of being a global reserve-currency is what is keeping it propped up. If and when the dubiousness of this status gets exposed, all bets are off. The mischievous behavior Federal Reserve is engaged in -  notwithstanding taking on prospects of even more warfare - would DOOM whatever American Dollar savings American society accumulated in their bank accounts, retirement accounts etc.

I feel, it's high time more American voters and taxpayers start paying attention to the seriousness of economic uncertainty their government and central banking system is leading them into.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Belligerent War Propaganda on Iran is OUT OF CONTROL!

Unless you're living in a cave, you've heard of all mainstream American media going bonkers about deterioration of situation in Iran. Let's get one thing straight. Iran has NOT threatened or attacked anyone. They're being threatened by tremendous military buildup in their neighborhood. Iran is looking out for their security. They're perfectly justified in doing so. (If you really want to get to the bottom of it: Iran was minding their business after WWII in 1950s. US on leash of Federal Reserve and its neo-globalization agenda messed around in Iran, strengthening an autocratic dictatorship. This was coupled with America's alliance with another despotic regime - and an arch-nemesis of Iran - in the neighborhood, Saudi Arabia. More details on background of Iran specific events - Abadan oil crisis and Operation Ajax - hopefully coming up as a future blogpost. To summarize quickly: A democratically elected government of Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran was overthrown, re-installing a brutal dictatorship of Shah Reza Pahalavi which bled that country dry. Things in Iran went downhill ever since, leading to current despotic regime. After catalyzing the mess in the first place, US foreign policy cannot hold high moral ground on this topic.)

There is talk of severe embargo and sanctions on Iran. Many of world's major economies - China, India, Japan, even Germany are critically dependent on importing oil from Iran. Escalation of this conflict will have crippling effects on global economy, let alone American economy. Government of Iran is dictatorial and definitely not ideal. But there are hundreds of other autocratic regimes on the planet. It's not US government's business going around breaking all of them, while economic conditions in the US deteriorate.

Unprovoked attacks on Iran will send world financial markets into a tailspin. It will degrade American fiat currency and hurt American taxpayers. Literally, US retirement accounts/401Ks could be wiped off their significant values. For a country faced with $16 trillion debt, it is incomprehensible that they could take on an expensive endeavor of attacking a country that has not attacked them. This is ALL a neo-global propaganda by American banking industry, particularly US Federal Reserve central bank for hedging their bets for control of global resources. No ordinary American citizen/taxpayer will benefit from the war-games. Thousands of ordinary Americans will die fighting wars, to benefit fat bankers getting fatter. This is over and above loss of thousands of ordinary Iranian lives. Existing worldwide financial system is designed fundamentally for neo-globalization, specifically control of important resources on a global scale. Due to the inter-connected nature of worldwide central banking system, notions such as national sovereignity or individual constitutions of nations mean very little. So we're looking at a scenario of:
  • More American debt to be passed onto future American generations
  • Debasement of US dollar, the fiat currency which is also world's reserve currency
  • Disruption and panic in global finances
  • Destruction and mayhem in lives of Iranians
  • Only entities coming out ahead will be military contractors, and banking industry financing the war while hedging bets on resource control as its outcome
Last but not the least: Mainstream US media are the LAST place to turn to regarding unbiased views on this topic - including all TV channels, print/internet newspapers or magazines, commercial radio. They're all in unison stating exactly identical war propaganda. To understand how much of a plutocratic society US has become, examine following tidbits about ownerships of major American media:

The Mass Media & Politics: An Analysis of Influence

Specifically, examine the presence of major American banking industry on boards of directors of these corporations. Does anyone honestly feel it's in the interest of the big bankers to present facts as honest news, through media they control as propaganda instruments? These are the same bankers we're talking about hijacking American democratic process, engineering bailouts for them at the expense of American taxpayers, and financing wars which benefit them.


I wonder if political geniuses like Voltaire, William Penn and Ben Franklin thought about societies, free trade etc. in Utopian terms.

Unfortunately, wars and centralized resource control have been around for long time. (Mongols, Babylonians...) Yellow journalism for launching wars based on lies is not a new phenomenon. (Look up Pulitzer and William Hearst publications lying before launch of Spanish-American war. They literally made up stories that Spain blew up USS Maine off Cuba's coast. It turned out to be explosion due to an accident. They also concocted stories with lies that Cuban freedom fighters in Spanish jails were being tortured. It was used as pretext to attack Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines.)

Current state of technology for both warfare and media is extremely magnified compared to old days. We all have lived through how much damage these warmongers caused in Iraq under smear of lies. I'm very much concerned about Iranian population. Don't care much about tyrant dictators there - bunch of scumbags. But I can't imagine perpetuation of same mayhem that happened in Iraq, imposed on Iranian people. They're people of a very proud and rich Persian civilization, an amazing civilization that greatly contributed to this planet. At one time, Persia was literally the center of the world, a glue civilization that was in communication with major civilizations of those times: Egypt, Greece, China, India, Israel. Truly hoping the current mess ends without active warfare.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Federal Reserve Audit of August 2011 : Gluttony of Private Bankers Revealed

While most American taxpayers and voters were sleeping:

First ever audit of private banking cartel "Federal Reserve" - which is neither "Federal", nor has "Reserves" - reveals some damning facts. Let's not forget for even a micro-second that this private cartel controls entire money-supply for United States. Actually, it's even bigger than that. By virtue of American Dollar's somewhat arbitrary standing of "reserve currency" of entire planet right now, these private bankers are in control of events happening all over the planet, either directly or indirectly. This nefarious mechanism, through involvement of American taxpayers has been facilitated since 1913 (coming up to 100 year anniversary soon), during the criminal "wisdom" of Woodrow Wilson administration. [It's the entire administration, including Congress of the time which I'm referring to. I'm not terribly interested in personality character attacks like on Presidents, as much as effects they had on policy. Details on dark workings of those events which transpired in early 1910s, coming up as another blog post sometime in the future.]

Most people aware of questionable workings of Federal Reserve already know that it's not entities like Obama/Bush/Clinton or even US Congress who're in control of fundamental decisions for US "democracy". Rather it's the Fed. Scratch the surface of workings of election processes in the US, and it becomes obvious which industry dominates campaign contributions across party lines. It's the banking industry! I'm referring not only to Presidential Elections, but even (or rather, to a bigger extent) Congressional elections. Does anyone suppose if Goldman Sachs cares whether a Democrat or Republican gets elected as President OR whether the Congress is Democrat or Republican controlled!?! As long as the big banking industry is left to their devices - through campaign contributions to both big parties - they let the elected gangs continue with their distracting partisan charade. That is, keep voters engaged in pseudo-liberal versus pseudo-conservative partisan arguments. This is done while private banks get more and more gluttonous, but US voters unwillingly pass on huge deficits to next generations through combination of welfare AND/OR warfare.

I mean, after a little bit of introspection, it becomes crystal clear that it's the big bankers who're really in charge of major decisions - NOT elected governments. US Government seems to be a simple proxy for the banking cartel, not vice-versa. As a famous quotation said: "Give me the control of money supply of a land, and I care not who makes and enforces the laws of that land." Quite literally, the big private banking industry is more powerful than entire government and its military.

Also, let's not get fooled into thinking that it's personalities like Alan Greenspan or Ben Bernanke who are single-handedly in charge at the Fed. Surely, they're involved in some way. But for the most part, they're public-facing proxies for bigger hands at play in the background - entire cartel of private bankers that own Federal Reserve. Job of Greenspan/Bernanke figureheads appears to be more of public-relations nature.

OK, so now with that rant over : Let's actually look at the details of what this Fed Audit of August 2011 found. If you have a lot of bandwidth (which most voters and taxpayers don't), you can examine the entire audit at following link. Go on, knock yourself out!

Federal Reserve August 2011 Investigation

But since I suspect very few people have so much bandwidth, pointing a quick-link to the most damning page in this entire audit. If that link doesn't work for whatever reason, it's page 144 OF 266 in the PDF file. The literal page number in the file happens to be 131, with following table title:

Table   8:  Institutions  with   Largest  Total   Transaction   Amounts (Not  Term-Adjusted)  across  Broad-Based Emergency  Programs     December 1,   2007   through   July   21,  2010

Private Bank Bailout details - Federal Reserve August 2011 Investigation

Examining this, what do we see? It's a table of amounts, using deceptive term of "all-inclusive loans" given to big private banks. These are loans at 0% interest (US Treasury is used as a proxy), and none of the money has been repaid. So yes, quite literally we're looking at secret US taxpayer funded "bailouts" to these private banks! Names of all big American suspect cartels are there: Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Chase/JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs. These big amounts benefitting private parties in billions and trillions are passed down to US taxpayers (especially future generations) as debt. What could be more sinister than this? Now, do you realize why figureheads like Bernanke were adamantly fighting tooth-and-nail against such audits of Federal Reseve in Congressional sessions?

But wait, look more closely and it gets even murkier. You even see names of foreign private banks: From Germany, France, UK, Belgium, Switzerland and so on! What in the world is going on here?!?! Yes, pun intended. There are bailout amounts using US taxpayer money for foreign banks! This is incredulous, which is exactly the international web of banking industry with involvement of Central Banking I was referring to in earlier post. US taxpayer money has crossed international boundaries to foreign banks, with involvement of US Central Bank (private entity) AND has been passed on as future debt to US taxpayers. Do you suppose, terms like "US Constitution" (the Supreme Law of the Land) have any relevance under such circumstances? I close once again, using the famous quotation below. I intentionally choose not to disclose from whom this quote comes. If interested, you can find out quickly with a Google search.

Give me the control of money supply of a land, and I care not who makes and enforces the laws of that land.


Obviously, it's NOT capitalism at fault here. In fact, what we're we're seeing in action is NOT capitalism at all!! Model of true capitalism relies on true free markets. Those furthering "selfish wants at the peril of betterment of others" are supposed to get ruthlessly exposed and punished under conditions of true free market/capitalism.

Both Adam Smith and Benjamin Franklin have turned around in their graves multiple times. This is CRONY CAPITALISM at its worst. Since it's at such a massive scale, I feel these actions pose grave threat to stability of American (and potentially global) society.

About a comment: "We as individuals are to be blamed for direct interest in the profitability of these corporations, through 401K, mutual funds, personal investments": Once again, I turn to distinction between true free markets and crony markets. Show me a crucible of honest free markets, honest currencies and honest trading, and then "we as individuals" would rush to them. Very design of central banking systems of different nations, the way they're interconnected with each other through globalization necessitates interference of governments and undermines notions of free markets.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quick "placeholder" collection of thoughts

I was hoping to get cranked up over month of December 2011, expanding on individual points in first post. However, unfortunately I've gotten crazily swamped and couldn't find as much time as I hoped.

In the interest of time, I wanted to put together a bunch of thoughts I've gathered over this period as a "placeholder" post. In fact, I wrote these commenting on someone else's blog elsewhere and copy-pasting here so I don't lose the train of thought. Hopefully will find more time in January 2012 to expand on this.


A claim is made that US Constitution is unworkable in modern world. This claim is indeed true. But the only reason for that is: GLOBALLY interconnected Central Banks e.g. Federal Reserve interlinked with European Central Bank, Bank of Japan etc. Through global systems such as IMF, it has created a banking hegemony spanning international boundaries with potential control of resources. Due to such hegemony, individual nation's constitutions and in American context dreams of Thomas Jefferson/James Madison/Ben Franklin mean NOTHING. If the GLOBAL hegemony is broken, US could have hope of turning to a true free market and true capitalism. US could do honest trading with other nations, focus on internal employment, and American governments (Federal/states/local) could address law/order situation better.

What we have in USA right now is crony capitalism and crony market. US currency is dishonest due to dishonest central banking. Trade with China is lopsided due to dishonest currency, and due to it the unemployment situation is serious. Costs for healthcare, higher education are dishonest. Trading for energy resources is done using dishonest currency OR rigged by fighting unconstitutional wars benefiting central bankers. Food and agriculture system has been corrupted. Immigration system is corrupt. All mainstream media in USA - TV/Radio/Newspapers/Magazines have turned into propaganda pieces of central banking system, because they're all owned by bankers. For foreign policy, they all spout propaganda lies. Furthermore, they have started relying on pool of questionable immigrants for military to fight questionable wars. Federal taxation is dishonest - literally out of control to meet demands of dishonest wars AND/OR dishonest lobbies built up at Federal level of government. Democracy process and elections are a charade, because they're heavily influenced/rigged by same corrupt media. They create illusion of left/right liberal/conservative red/blue 2 party system, but it's just smoke-and-mirrors. 2 major parties Democrat/Republican are virtually identical when it fundamentally comes to dishonest monetary policy and dishonest foreign policy. None of the candidates dare challenge corrupt central banking, else they would get shut out by bank-owned media during elections. The whole thing is a deck of cards, a shambolic mess. American Central Bank (Federal Reserve) is THE BIGGEST threat to stability of American society.