Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Federal Reserve Audit of August 2011 : Gluttony of Private Bankers Revealed

While most American taxpayers and voters were sleeping:

First ever audit of private banking cartel "Federal Reserve" - which is neither "Federal", nor has "Reserves" - reveals some damning facts. Let's not forget for even a micro-second that this private cartel controls entire money-supply for United States. Actually, it's even bigger than that. By virtue of American Dollar's somewhat arbitrary standing of "reserve currency" of entire planet right now, these private bankers are in control of events happening all over the planet, either directly or indirectly. This nefarious mechanism, through involvement of American taxpayers has been facilitated since 1913 (coming up to 100 year anniversary soon), during the criminal "wisdom" of Woodrow Wilson administration. [It's the entire administration, including Congress of the time which I'm referring to. I'm not terribly interested in personality character attacks like on Presidents, as much as effects they had on policy. Details on dark workings of those events which transpired in early 1910s, coming up as another blog post sometime in the future.]

Most people aware of questionable workings of Federal Reserve already know that it's not entities like Obama/Bush/Clinton or even US Congress who're in control of fundamental decisions for US "democracy". Rather it's the Fed. Scratch the surface of workings of election processes in the US, and it becomes obvious which industry dominates campaign contributions across party lines. It's the banking industry! I'm referring not only to Presidential Elections, but even (or rather, to a bigger extent) Congressional elections. Does anyone suppose if Goldman Sachs cares whether a Democrat or Republican gets elected as President OR whether the Congress is Democrat or Republican controlled!?! As long as the big banking industry is left to their devices - through campaign contributions to both big parties - they let the elected gangs continue with their distracting partisan charade. That is, keep voters engaged in pseudo-liberal versus pseudo-conservative partisan arguments. This is done while private banks get more and more gluttonous, but US voters unwillingly pass on huge deficits to next generations through combination of welfare AND/OR warfare.

I mean, after a little bit of introspection, it becomes crystal clear that it's the big bankers who're really in charge of major decisions - NOT elected governments. US Government seems to be a simple proxy for the banking cartel, not vice-versa. As a famous quotation said: "Give me the control of money supply of a land, and I care not who makes and enforces the laws of that land." Quite literally, the big private banking industry is more powerful than entire government and its military.

Also, let's not get fooled into thinking that it's personalities like Alan Greenspan or Ben Bernanke who are single-handedly in charge at the Fed. Surely, they're involved in some way. But for the most part, they're public-facing proxies for bigger hands at play in the background - entire cartel of private bankers that own Federal Reserve. Job of Greenspan/Bernanke figureheads appears to be more of public-relations nature.

OK, so now with that rant over : Let's actually look at the details of what this Fed Audit of August 2011 found. If you have a lot of bandwidth (which most voters and taxpayers don't), you can examine the entire audit at following link. Go on, knock yourself out!

Federal Reserve August 2011 Investigation

But since I suspect very few people have so much bandwidth, pointing a quick-link to the most damning page in this entire audit. If that link doesn't work for whatever reason, it's page 144 OF 266 in the PDF file. The literal page number in the file happens to be 131, with following table title:

Table   8:  Institutions  with   Largest  Total   Transaction   Amounts (Not  Term-Adjusted)  across  Broad-Based Emergency  Programs     December 1,   2007   through   July   21,  2010

Private Bank Bailout details - Federal Reserve August 2011 Investigation

Examining this, what do we see? It's a table of amounts, using deceptive term of "all-inclusive loans" given to big private banks. These are loans at 0% interest (US Treasury is used as a proxy), and none of the money has been repaid. So yes, quite literally we're looking at secret US taxpayer funded "bailouts" to these private banks! Names of all big American suspect cartels are there: Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Chase/JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs. These big amounts benefitting private parties in billions and trillions are passed down to US taxpayers (especially future generations) as debt. What could be more sinister than this? Now, do you realize why figureheads like Bernanke were adamantly fighting tooth-and-nail against such audits of Federal Reseve in Congressional sessions?

But wait, look more closely and it gets even murkier. You even see names of foreign private banks: From Germany, France, UK, Belgium, Switzerland and so on! What in the world is going on here?!?! Yes, pun intended. There are bailout amounts using US taxpayer money for foreign banks! This is incredulous, which is exactly the international web of banking industry with involvement of Central Banking I was referring to in earlier post. US taxpayer money has crossed international boundaries to foreign banks, with involvement of US Central Bank (private entity) AND has been passed on as future debt to US taxpayers. Do you suppose, terms like "US Constitution" (the Supreme Law of the Land) have any relevance under such circumstances? I close once again, using the famous quotation below. I intentionally choose not to disclose from whom this quote comes. If interested, you can find out quickly with a Google search.

Give me the control of money supply of a land, and I care not who makes and enforces the laws of that land.


Obviously, it's NOT capitalism at fault here. In fact, what we're we're seeing in action is NOT capitalism at all!! Model of true capitalism relies on true free markets. Those furthering "selfish wants at the peril of betterment of others" are supposed to get ruthlessly exposed and punished under conditions of true free market/capitalism.

Both Adam Smith and Benjamin Franklin have turned around in their graves multiple times. This is CRONY CAPITALISM at its worst. Since it's at such a massive scale, I feel these actions pose grave threat to stability of American (and potentially global) society.

About a comment: "We as individuals are to be blamed for direct interest in the profitability of these corporations, through 401K, mutual funds, personal investments": Once again, I turn to distinction between true free markets and crony markets. Show me a crucible of honest free markets, honest currencies and honest trading, and then "we as individuals" would rush to them. Very design of central banking systems of different nations, the way they're interconnected with each other through globalization necessitates interference of governments and undermines notions of free markets.

1 comment:

  1. Well written. Democracy, Capitalism and need to hold absolute power in every possible terms (military, economics and diplomacy) is a dangerous mix. That coupled with the ostensiveness to hold high moral grounds of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness creates a self-conflicting framework to drive Governance. Case in point, individually, ones choice of capitalism and pursuit of happiness results in greed, fear, insecurity and need to find ways and means to accomplish one's selfish wants at the peril of betterment of others.

    If you take a step further up, all these systems and policies are controlled by profit seeking corporations that use the political system to accomplish its own goals. We as individuals are to be blamed equally for we also hold a direct interest in the profitability of these corporations, be it through our 401K, mutual funds or personal investments, we all are a part of this complex skewed ecosystem. The banking system is just a plumbing for movement of cash but it would be interesting to delve into the motives of the plumber. Finally economics its a closed eco-system. A debit for one results in a credit for someone else... it all balances in the end... just that the balance today looks like 1% rich getting all the credits and 99% poor getting all debits.
