Friday, January 20, 2012

Belligerent War Propaganda on Iran is OUT OF CONTROL!

Unless you're living in a cave, you've heard of all mainstream American media going bonkers about deterioration of situation in Iran. Let's get one thing straight. Iran has NOT threatened or attacked anyone. They're being threatened by tremendous military buildup in their neighborhood. Iran is looking out for their security. They're perfectly justified in doing so. (If you really want to get to the bottom of it: Iran was minding their business after WWII in 1950s. US on leash of Federal Reserve and its neo-globalization agenda messed around in Iran, strengthening an autocratic dictatorship. This was coupled with America's alliance with another despotic regime - and an arch-nemesis of Iran - in the neighborhood, Saudi Arabia. More details on background of Iran specific events - Abadan oil crisis and Operation Ajax - hopefully coming up as a future blogpost. To summarize quickly: A democratically elected government of Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran was overthrown, re-installing a brutal dictatorship of Shah Reza Pahalavi which bled that country dry. Things in Iran went downhill ever since, leading to current despotic regime. After catalyzing the mess in the first place, US foreign policy cannot hold high moral ground on this topic.)

There is talk of severe embargo and sanctions on Iran. Many of world's major economies - China, India, Japan, even Germany are critically dependent on importing oil from Iran. Escalation of this conflict will have crippling effects on global economy, let alone American economy. Government of Iran is dictatorial and definitely not ideal. But there are hundreds of other autocratic regimes on the planet. It's not US government's business going around breaking all of them, while economic conditions in the US deteriorate.

Unprovoked attacks on Iran will send world financial markets into a tailspin. It will degrade American fiat currency and hurt American taxpayers. Literally, US retirement accounts/401Ks could be wiped off their significant values. For a country faced with $16 trillion debt, it is incomprehensible that they could take on an expensive endeavor of attacking a country that has not attacked them. This is ALL a neo-global propaganda by American banking industry, particularly US Federal Reserve central bank for hedging their bets for control of global resources. No ordinary American citizen/taxpayer will benefit from the war-games. Thousands of ordinary Americans will die fighting wars, to benefit fat bankers getting fatter. This is over and above loss of thousands of ordinary Iranian lives. Existing worldwide financial system is designed fundamentally for neo-globalization, specifically control of important resources on a global scale. Due to the inter-connected nature of worldwide central banking system, notions such as national sovereignity or individual constitutions of nations mean very little. So we're looking at a scenario of:
  • More American debt to be passed onto future American generations
  • Debasement of US dollar, the fiat currency which is also world's reserve currency
  • Disruption and panic in global finances
  • Destruction and mayhem in lives of Iranians
  • Only entities coming out ahead will be military contractors, and banking industry financing the war while hedging bets on resource control as its outcome
Last but not the least: Mainstream US media are the LAST place to turn to regarding unbiased views on this topic - including all TV channels, print/internet newspapers or magazines, commercial radio. They're all in unison stating exactly identical war propaganda. To understand how much of a plutocratic society US has become, examine following tidbits about ownerships of major American media:

The Mass Media & Politics: An Analysis of Influence

Specifically, examine the presence of major American banking industry on boards of directors of these corporations. Does anyone honestly feel it's in the interest of the big bankers to present facts as honest news, through media they control as propaganda instruments? These are the same bankers we're talking about hijacking American democratic process, engineering bailouts for them at the expense of American taxpayers, and financing wars which benefit them.


I wonder if political geniuses like Voltaire, William Penn and Ben Franklin thought about societies, free trade etc. in Utopian terms.

Unfortunately, wars and centralized resource control have been around for long time. (Mongols, Babylonians...) Yellow journalism for launching wars based on lies is not a new phenomenon. (Look up Pulitzer and William Hearst publications lying before launch of Spanish-American war. They literally made up stories that Spain blew up USS Maine off Cuba's coast. It turned out to be explosion due to an accident. They also concocted stories with lies that Cuban freedom fighters in Spanish jails were being tortured. It was used as pretext to attack Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philippines.)

Current state of technology for both warfare and media is extremely magnified compared to old days. We all have lived through how much damage these warmongers caused in Iraq under smear of lies. I'm very much concerned about Iranian population. Don't care much about tyrant dictators there - bunch of scumbags. But I can't imagine perpetuation of same mayhem that happened in Iraq, imposed on Iranian people. They're people of a very proud and rich Persian civilization, an amazing civilization that greatly contributed to this planet. At one time, Persia was literally the center of the world, a glue civilization that was in communication with major civilizations of those times: Egypt, Greece, China, India, Israel. Truly hoping the current mess ends without active warfare.


  1. These distillations of historical politics of warmongering with specific regions indeed resonates with today's mindset of an average citizen of this world. It is
    most unfortunate that powerful people impose wars on all out of pure aggression.
    Why should there be any WAR at all in this world. The governance and politics and
    power even today is always concentrated in the hands of a few all over the world in
    any and every region. As educated humans we must examine what do we mean by democracy
    and free markets and governance. It is really strange that people think a region is
    democratic just because people can elect few officials by vote. That is only 1% of
    a democratic action. Once these few representatives are elected they really control
    the executive actions of administration and policy making power i.e. the real 99%
    power remains unreachable to the entire populace. That is why it is possible for the elected politicians to either corrupt proactively or be corrupted by other set of
    few outside influence of lobbying powers. Now is the time to invent a free system of
    democracy where the common intelligentsia of the masses can be captured as a live pulse of organic living entity via true non-profit community driven and community owned and community controlled social network for the express purpose of realizing
    the vision of true 100% democracy in action. The elected officials should not have
    the special privileges and rights and benefits apart from ordinary citizens. The
    elected few will simply deliver administration as their daily job. There is nothing
    spectacular about what they do on a given day just as no one takes notice when the
    poor janitor is mopping your floors as a routine orderly action to earn his bread.
    Once we have real democracy pulsating with organic holistic order there should be no
    particular parties and all that nonsense to create causes of mischief and endless
    spending to get reelected and natural focus of all democracies will then converge
    on to find out how to bring unison, fairness, freedom, and equal living standards
    for everyone. Now when there is a homogeneous system left alone and undisturbed by
    the interested of a few neurotic mischief mongers, most problems will solve before
    taking roots and going out of control. If there is no human mischief at personal
    living level in every aspect of life, what reason will there be for wars and
    weapons at all?

  2. The undercurrent of this thought points to one that we as a human civilization have
    refused to learn the simple basic thing that wars can not solve our problems. On the
    other hand wars only compound the problems of any society. The fundamental rights of
    happiness and health - both physical and psychological for all humans of all lands
    are missing from the conciousness of those who grab and hold and manipulate power.
    Education systems have failed to create healhty societies where goodness can take
    hold and flower as the main highlight of quality of life everywhere. And once in
    the midstream of the current of living day to day life, the common person finds it
    increasingly harder and harder to seperate facts from untrue outside propaganda.
    One can sincerely hope that internet will play a better role to help simplify the
    comprehension of how this world is operating and therefore awaken the masses on their
    own to figure things out and shape the futuristic policies effectively to heal and aid
    everything that has gone wrong. I believe economic revolution for true fairness must
    take place. Not proposing any new 'ism' or returning to any old 'ism'. There is just
    a dire need for masses to find a way to exert combined power to nullify any and all
    war propoganda from any direction at any time. There is a need to apply education for
    the well being of all. Today information is used as a leverage against ones who do not
    have easy access to facts; and so power keeps on concentrating in the hands of the few
    thus perpetuating mischief and all kinds of neurotic behaviours further diminishing
    any chances for a good new society to emerge that can be free manufactured conflicts.
    The Iran war propoganda must stop and it the job of nation's elected leaders to meet
    and resolve any problems with peace for all society as primary motivating factor.
    That will be a good precedent to invalidate and nullify any wars at all in the future.
    Obviously in this most unfortunate world the way state is run, each nation has a need
    to defend its people against any form of agression. Once there is an end of aggravated
    internal aggressions for nations the external aggressions can subside with much each
    naturally. Then a right atmosphere can emerge to open up of meaningful dialogs rather
    than verbal attacks eventually escalating into disastrous wars.
